Tag Archives: drupal cms

Drupal: CKEditor toolbar inactive for other roles than ‘administrator’

I suppose it probably is some permissions problem. …to be continued… CKEditor for Drupal 7 Installation Process (Open Source Version) http://docs.cksource.com/CKEditor_for_Drupal/Open_Source/Drupal_7/Installation How To Set Up the CKEditor Module In Drupal http://tomandcrystal.com/how_to_set_up_the_ckeditor_module_in_drupal

Drupal: SCALD modal window loading problem [solved]

The SCALD modal window ‘loading’ wasn’t loading. It took a couple of days (hours) and an embarassing long discussion on drupal.org to find the error – which was not an error. It was ‘just’ a problem of re-declaring something, that was already declared before. The short version: “The WYSIWYG module was detected. Using both modules […]

Drupal: cancel button on edit node page

Are you missing a Cancel Button in your Drupal installation? Great. I know the feeling. But as they say: there’s a module for that. For many Drupal related tasks there is already a module available at drupal.org. But some essential tasks can be so ‘small’ that the related module would be even smaller – documenting […]

Drupal 7 node gallery with plupload but no upload [solution]

Another note-to-self – and maybe / hopefully somebody else might also find this note useful… The problem: The Drupal 7 module “node gallery” installed just fine and is running well. Additionally I installed the Plupload module for drag’n’drop and multi-file upload functionality – but no upload form / no upload option at all is actually […]