Tag Archives: wordpress cms

How to copy Apple Numbers Table to WordPress Editor

Today I have a rather specific tutorial for you: how to copy a table from Apple Numbers to the text editor of your CMS – for example WordPress? Basically you can add tables to any text editor – whatever CMS you are working with. Some have a table function already built in, some need an […]

WordPress as a CMS: Page Management Plugins (CPT)

WordPress CMS – Page Management Plugins

WordPress CMS – Page Management Plugins – Photo/montage: T.Bortels/cpu20.com

When using WordPress as a CMS, the blog functionality can become less important than the handling of static pages. And I mean lots of pages. If you are using WordPress as a CMS for a while, you could be dealing with hundreds or even thousands of pages. And it is probably quite common that there […]

On Backup Strategies – World Day for Audiovisual Heritage

On 27 October the World Day for Audiovisual Heritage is celebrated. The UNESCO originally chose that special day to raise of awareness of the importance of preserving recorded sound and audiovisual documents such as films, sound and video recordings, radio and television programs as a part of the cultural heritage. Why you need a Backup […]

WordPress as a CMS: Custom Content Types and Templates

WordPress CMS: Custom Content / Types

WordPress CMS: Custom Content / Types - Photo / Illustration: T.Bortels/cpu20.com

WordPress is not only a great tool to easily install and run a blog- or news-website, but can also be altered to serve as a Content Management System: WordPress as a CMS. But what makes WordPress a CMS? To me the most important feature is probably that I can expand WordPress’ functionality with additional custom […]