Tag Archives: wordpress theming

How to add a Caption to the Featured Image in WordPress

WordPress: Featured Image Caption

Featured Image Caption in WordPress - Pgoto/Screenshot: T.Bortels/cpu20.com

With most themes WordPress makes it really easy to add a featured image to an article / a post or a page. But although the image caption is often added correctly to inline images, it is often missing from featured images. So how can you add a Caption to the Featured Image in WordPress easily? […]

How to create a Child Theme for WordPress in Minutes

When you are creating a WordPress website, I would recommend you create and install the appropriate WordPress Child Theme right from the start. There are of course lots of WordPress Themes you can use as they are – well designed, fully functioning. Many so called Premium Themes offer a broad variety of different options to […]

WordPress: jacking up the sub-menu and styling it

You probably very well know the sub-menu that is “flying-out” from the main navigation on hover.  Many free WordPress Themes are equipped with that rollover-sub-menu and while it may be a nice thing to have, sometimes you want to style it in peace and quiet. And that can be difficult, since it is usually hidden […]

Desaturate pictures with CSS (Grayscale-Color-Hover-Effect)

CSS Hover Effect for pictures: Grayscale Color change

Change between Grayscale and Color image with a nifty CSS hover effect - Photo/montage: T.Bortels/cpu20

Hover effects are sometime overused – but when done right they can be a useful detail, having a positive effect on the webdesign and the overall user experience by simply highlighting clickable images on hover. Here is a short introduction how to implement a Grayscale-Color-Hover-Effect for the images on your website. Introduction If you wanted […]