Category Archives: Wordpress

WordPress: change image size, re-render all images

Another classic: the image size preset is set to 1024 pixel. At first everything is alright, while the project is evolving the CMS structure built, the website filled with content – images are uploaded. Then occasionally somebody involved with the project wants to add an image gallery or something similar, that makes you reconsider the image […]

Change WordPress language (without re-installing WP)

So, you have just installed WordPress successfully – and now you realize that you would want to run WP in a different language? You basically want to change the WordPress language after install – without re-installing it? Great. I know the feeling. WordPress is available in many different languages – as far as I know […]

WordPress: jacking up the sub-menu and styling it

You probably very well know the sub-menu that is “flying-out” from the main navigation on hover.  Many free WordPress Themes are equipped with that rollover-sub-menu and while it may be a nice thing to have, sometimes you want to style it in peace and quiet. And that can be difficult, since it is usually hidden […]