Tag Archives: seo

How to change a link href with jQuery

WordPress navigation: How to change a link href with jQuery

WordPress Navigation - screenshot T.Bortels/cpu20.com

Recently I had to dig a bit deeper into ways and options on how to change a link href dynamically with jQuery. It’s not really the most beautiful thing one can do, but it can help sometimes to solve problems you never expected to be problems in the first place. The situation was like this: […]

Let’s define Content Marketing and what it means to you and your business

define content marketing

Define Content Marketing - screeshot/montage T.Bortels/cpu20.com

Is this going to be yet another definition of what Content Marketing actually is? Not quite so. There are indeed enough websites out there that try to define Content Marketing. But do these definitions really help to understand, what Content Marketing is? And what it means to you and your business? It very well depends […]

How to check the execution time of a php script

You have the feeling your website is slow? Some process is taking too long, something is not loading fast enough? Of course, there might be a script or maybe just a few lines of php slowing it down – but which part of the script is it? If you are witnessing for example speed problems […]

Avoid 404 errors – find broken links and repair them

When you are building a new website from scratch, all links should of course first work just fine. There is basically now reason – or let’s rather say no excuse for broken links in a fresh setup. All internal and external links should be checked and there should be not a single broken link on […]

WooCommerce SEO: change the default shop title ‘Products Archive’ to something meaningful

WooCommerce SEO: How to change shop title Product Archive

WooCommerce SEO - how to change the shop title - Photo: screenshot / montage by T.Bortels/cpu20.com

As you may already know, WooCommerce is a free WordPress plugin – and for many website owners it has basically become the standard e-commerce solution – an affordable and rather easy to set up way to run an online shop. The combination of WordPress and WooCommerce enables you run an online shop with relatively little […]